Built to be You

3 B's of creating SELF TRUST + SELF LOVE

February 13, 2024 Episode 218

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In this episode, we're diving into the non-fluffy, non-traditional way of practicing self-love. Forget about the cliché bubble baths and workouts, because we're going deeper than that. Today, I'm sharing with you the three B's of self-love and self-trust: boundaries, becoming, and being.

Now, boundaries might sound intimidating, especially if you're a people pleaser. But here's the thing: boundaries are not about shutting others out, but about honoring and valuing yourself. They are an act of self-love and self-trust, where you communicate your needs and set expectations for yourself. By setting boundaries, you become the expert and steward of your own energy, life, and dreams.

But that's just the beginning. We'll also explore the power of becoming, of embracing the journey of self-evolution. It's about celebrating every step you take towards becoming the fierce, bold, and fully expressed version of yourself. And finally, we'll talk about the importance of being, of finding stillness and connecting with your inner self. By creating space for stillness, you'll tap into your deepest desires, gain clarity, and ignite your creativity.

So, my friend, get ready to unleash the power within you. It's time to embrace the non-fluffy path of self-love and self-trust. Let's build the best version of ourselves and live a life that truly aligns with our authentic selves. Are you ready? 

  • 00:00:08- Introduction to the episode and the non-traditional way of self-love.
  • 00:01:42- Exploring the concept of boundaries and their importance in self-love and self-trust.
  • 00:07:45-Emphasizing the significance of the process of becoming and celebrating oneself in the journey.
  • 00:10:35-Highlighting the power of being and finding stillness as a form of self-love and self-trust.
  • 00:16:35-Encouraging listeners to love and validate themselves unapologetically.

IG: @michaela_robertson_

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