Built to be You

Your job title is the LEAST interesting part about you: It's time to shed the layers

September 06, 2024 Episode 239

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In this episode, Michaela discusses the process of shedding the layers of an identity that no longer serves you. She shares her personal journey of leaving the bedside as a nurse and explores the subconscious beliefs and fears that can hold us back from making a change. Michaela addresses the fear of losing skills, financial stability, and the comfort of familiarity. She emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and challenging societal programming to create a career and life that aligns with your true purpose.

02:02 Michaela's Journey and Leaving the Bedside
09:03 Your Nursing Job Title Does Not Define You
13:15 Examining Your Relationship with Money
17:24 The Impact of Familiarity and Comfort
21:41 Breaking Free from Subconscious Beliefs
23:34 Creating a Career and Life of Exception


IG: @michaela_robertson_

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